I thank you in advance.
Rick: The Headlight Guy

Happy Clients for Four Years Now

Happy Clients for Four Years

That means 100% Satisfied.

I would like for you to meet J.C.

John Genersl Manager for Tom O'Brien Chrysler North
Another one of my best clients for the past four years - Thanks John

Steve Stokes Jr. Owner of Prestige Auto Detailing
One of the very best detailing guys in Indy.
Client also for four years
Need detailing work? Call Steve 317-694-1081
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There is not much to say about used car dealers except that there are some very good ones (yea I can't believe that I'm saying it either) out there. Some, that I have met in the past three years really care about making the car as good as it can be, before they sell it to one of their customers. Others, however, will not put one penny of repairs into a car that they do not HAVE to. They will only fix the headlight or any other part if the customer really complains about it. They will in fact hide problems, hoping that you will not notice.
There are others that do not really want to spend any money they do not have to, so you'll have to ask them to fix the lights before you buy. Then they will.
If you go into a restaurant and the restrooms are dirty you can bet the employees and the kitchen is probably not very clean either.
Same is true, if you walk the lot and you see cars out there with bad headlights this is a good sign that they not only, do not fix the headlights, (which is a cheap fix) they are probably not putting any money on other things more expensive, or things you can't see.
When it comes to buying a used car, just look at headlights and if they are not, Bright-Clear and Safe, then ask them to call Bright Lights Now 317-987-2020. Remember the lights should look very close to factory new condition "not just better". And as far as I know, (and I have been out there and have seen others work) We do believe that there is not anyone in Indy doing better work then we are, not by a long shot.
Additional Note: When shopping for a car, do not look at the headlights when it is raining or the headlights are wet. When they are wet bad headlights do not look so bad. That's what clear coat does, makes them appear wet all the time. The problem is still there, you just can't see it.
And so if you know someone using a clear coat process to fix headlight, stay away form them.
Tom Wood uses kits and does it in-house and unlike many of the other dealerships that I work for where the used car managers choose which venders to use they tell their people who to use, no matter if they can get it done better.
I have always felt that the man with his hand on the plow will plow a straighter line if he is not being told where to go, by someone standing afar off trying to direct him or micro manages him. If he can't be trusted to make sound decisions, why is he working for you, if you can't trust him???
I have also had a service representative from Tom Wood VW North, tell me that they have been thru three different kits and really haven't found one that matches the work we do (but it's cheaper).
A used car manager, also from another Tom Wood Store, on the north side said to me, that he was told to use the in-house guy, even though he likes our work better because it was far superior to what they have. I have personally seen their guys work and it is without a doubt substandard work (in my opinion).
The "Headlight Guy" brightlightsnow.com
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Often I'm asked. Does it last? The honest answer is, No NOT FOREVER! Come on, they start to go bad after 2 to 3 years from the factory, so really would you expect them to last any longer than that after restoration?
There is NOTHING I can do to make them last any longer than a couple of years, there is, however, a lot YOU CAN DO. After I fix your headlights I always give the customer an aftercare card that explains in detail how you can take care of your lights.

If you do not want to do anything after I restore your lights you WILL need to have them redone in about two years. If, however, you follow the aftercare instructions (which are not difficult) they will last you 4 to 6 years.
I'm putting this on my blog, because no matter how often I preach and explain this, I get that one person who will say Look I told you, it doesn't last. I say it myself, IT DON'T LAST "FOREVER" , but considering the HIGH COST of replacements, and with just a little attention they will last just as long as NEW EXPENSIVE ONES.
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My name is Rick, and I am "The Headlight Guy" of Indiana. I belong to a network of headlight specialist that use the same process and same chemicals. If I do not know the answer to a problem I have the very best resources available and can get the answers.
I am opening this scection up to allow these experts to introduce themselves and give you contact information as to their specific locations.
These individuals are every bit as good as I am, some better, with more experience.
Bright Lights Now, LLC
Indianapolis, Indiana and surrounding areas
Gus Velasquez
Marvel Headlights
Kennesaw, GA, 30144
770 - 560 - 9689
Fred Khorsravani operating as Headlight Guy of Portland Oregon
The Portland Metro Area (Beaverton, Tigard, Hillsboro, Lake Oswego etc.)
(503) 839-6773 Hours of operation ( M-F) 9-5 Pacific Standard Time
Lito Dequit
LD Mobile Lens Repair
La Habra,CA (562)217-8887
Boyd Edmonds operating in the Kanawha Valley , West Virginia Area
Charleston, WV
304) 541-9204
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